soft power/the power to control life

(“Soft power” is the ability to control through the total pervasion of the threat of “hard power” i.e, the pervasive threat of death to domestic violence, and its cultural enabling. It is in a sense, more cruelly empowering to be controlling of an individual by controlling the life of an individual (ruining their life as opposed to causing their outright death, a living sort of death), a capture made complete and protracted by the ability to prey in turn on their offspring through protracted manipulation (forced interaction administered and enabled by the State in terms of the enforcement of parental rights). In other words, the children are also increasingly at risk with sexual “non-compliance” of the victim of a controlling individual (who will never move on). If the target accepts the “carrot” in the great grand game of carrot vs. stick psychology (caring treatment), an implicit part of the acceptance of this manipulation under the guise of “love” is the understanding that it relieves the children of being preyed upon by the same abuse by “carrot or stick” psychology, where they too are not subject to “stick”. A culture that (regionally) doesn’t care whether domestic violence victims are being murdered at a higher rate than wartime casualties with monotonous regularity is nowhere near dealing with vast swath social predation enabled by the swath of extreme domestic violence. “Domestic killings used to account for four out of every five homicides”, - a quote from the Pulitzer prize winning article hyperlinked above.)

Stalking Through the Courts - Janet Normalvanbreucher