"Beguiled" - The Smashing Pumpkins

This is a peculiar track; -I have had misgivings about it from the outset. It is stand alone in that it invokes judgment on unbelievers. Furthermore by having it embedded in an indulgent double concept album, ATUM, (-no, it will be a triple, WPC cliff-hangered the double concept album so that a third volume is necessitated for the wrap), it has been given a substitute meaning in the context of the concept album, so even the basic meaning of the words themselves has been effectively erased, which really makes the whole declaration pointless. This analysis then is presumably the only place the declaration even exists.

Archived 10/2/24


So swallow hard the serpents
Of many tags and faces hid in masks
Coiled 'round this lung until the last
He’ll crack your boots, young pagans
'Cause like you, I was hatched to traipse on cold
And seventeen's a long drawn way from home

And I’ve learned these lessons I was taught
Taught, so taught
And now I'm telling you

Return the faith
Return the faith

They're smashing out the veils, return the faith
And there's no escape
So return the faith

With charging light brigades, return the faith
You've gotta move

So as bеtrayed by rainbows
Here, I convеy I've sold out your dear cause
And the king has placed us in his jaws
It's sure no place can hold us
But in this scene, I'm December
And you're June’s wretch
And my idylls lay gasping as if death

And I’ve learned these lessons I was taught
Taught, so taught
And now I'm telling you

Return the faith
Return the faith
They’re smashing out the veils, return the faith
And there's no escape
So return the faith
With charging light brigades, return the faith
You've gotta move

Return the faith (Return the faith)
Return the faith (Return the faith)
Return the faith


It is there, however. It is the first use of "June" since Machina/machines of God in 2000, and falls completely into an interpretatioin via the faith and everything I am alluding, the Rapture included.

The first verse is an allusion to the many masks, visages and minions of the Devil, "coiled 'round this lung" meaning the last stronghold or location in the universe, the oxygen atmosphere of Earth itself. That's who will be cracking the boots of the pagans, according to WPC, leaving off with the recollect of this being the state of mind of his youth.

The pre-chorus is him revealing that all this was how he was taught. (I spent four years on that, which the iBook records. There was printed communication inches thick I left off record; -suffice to say he was taught Christianity in a new way.)

Then WPC makes the announcement its time to recant paganism by returning the faith because the veils are being smashed. There is a very obvious reason why "veils" is plural, it was part of WPC's performance art "good-bye" to me, where he announced the "morning man" was coming, to 'penetrate the veils that you're holding, unfolding you". This was Tom Tom. I'm assuming the second veil reference, the real plurality, is WPC is alluding the the renting of the veil in the temple that occurred at the moment of Christ's death during the crucifixion. This is who the king is, who has placed all paganism in His jaws.

The second verse is WPC proclaiming his betrayal (his word) even further as selling out the cause, announcing himself as the peak month of winter, and that they are "June's wretch", and that his idylls lay "gasping as if death".

I find it to be a bit of a tell that WPC appears to be the only individual who experienced this 2.0 wave, (or whatever you want to call it), in a negative connotation. (Other pagans did not though their recognition of the advent of God in terms of the obeisance by a feminine was similar.) Furthermore WPC is displacing the negative perception on his proclaimed peergroup. It strikes me as suspicious. Nonetheless, it is the iteration of a boundary, it's just not indicative of where he is as per the boundary, but he has iterated a boundary, and that's quite important if you think about it. (Who isn't all for the end of the Devil and his control-?) And the outcome of that boundary is another connotation of the Rapture, who is lifted and who isn't. But like I said, he hid this under a concept album anyhow. Upshot: he appears to know it happened!