A Light For Attracting Attention - The Smile

Contemporaneously, as in three years ago, four of the singles for A Light for Attracting Attention were analyzed before it was released: namely "Free in the Knowledge", "Panavision", "The Smoke", and "Skrting on the Surface". Of these, "The Smoke" could be revisited as it deserves a fuller analogy, as opposed to being directly referential to what happened in the Martin Gore letter. For their prior purview, the link is here.

It should be noted that the net effect of this partitioning is like taking the core out of the apple and gutting the album in terms of overall depth and theme, but it can't be helped in terms of either release order or the need for brevity as opposed to having analysis of a stultifying length. In this instance, the best came first.

Archived 9/11/24

The Same

We don't need to fight
Look towards the light

Grab on it with both hands
What you know is right
Somebody's falling down
Somebody's telling lies
Simple ass motherfuckers
One mistake after another

People in the streets. Please
People in the streets

Somebody's hearing voices
(Somebody's going down, down, down)
Going down, going down, going down

People in the streets, Please
We all want the same, Please
We are all the same, Please
We all want thе same, Please

Wе are all the same
We all want the same
We are all the same

The Opposite

What will now become of us? (What will now become of us?)
The straw is coming out of us (Straw is coming out of us)
It goes back and forth followed by a question mark (Followed by a question mark)
Lit up like a firework (Lit up like a firework)

Can we have our next contestant please?
In this logical absurdity (Logical absurdity)
While quitting unexpectedly (Quitting unexpectedly)
Opposites attract (Opposites suck)
In ash and dust and (Pockets full of emptiness)

He doesn’t mean anything
He doesn’t mean anything
He doesn’t mean anything
He doesn’t mean anything
Anything at all

Objects caught in mirrors (Caught in rear-view mirrors)
Sometimes can appear too close (Sometimes can appear too close)
Go back and forth (Followed by a question mark)
Opposites attract (Opposites can work it out)
Lit up like a firework (Lit up like a firework)
Predictably enough (Happens to the best of us)

You Will Never Work in Television Again

The Smoke

Speech Bubbles

How will I know you?
How will I know you?
How will I know you?

Thin Thing

Down a rabbit hole, we go
As the flames grow higher
For unbelievers

Making mushrooms out of men
‘Til she turns us back again

To a face of solid gold
Solid gold
Sycophantic fawners
In double quick-time

The beginning at the end
‘Til she turns us back again

First she'll pull your fingers off
And then she'll pull your toes
And then she'll steal the photos from your phone
(But you won't notice)

Our echo doesn’t hear us, anymore
Hanging on a cloth edge
By its fingers

Making mushrooms out of men
That’s okay I guess if you like this kind of, kind of thing

This kinda thin, thin, thin, thin thing
These kinda mushrooms
Thеse kinda ripples
Thesе kinda ripples
These kinda thin, thin, thin, thin, thin thing

Like this kind of thing
Like this kind of thin, thin thing
Like this kind of thing
Like this kind of thing
Like these kind of ripples

Open the Floodgates

Don't bore us
Get to the chorus

And open the floodgates
We want the good bits
Without your bullshit
And no heartaches

Someone lead me
Out the darkness
Out the darkness

With no tricks and
No struggling
Then no one gets hurt

We absorb you
We absolve you
Throw your rubbish away

Someone lead me
Out the darkness
Out the darkness
Someone lead me
Out the darkness
Out the darkness

A Hairdryer

Shame on you
Blue eyed fox

Shame on you
Blowing hum
Making holes
Shame on you

Flying South (Sitting on his hands), For the Sun
In a while
(You are sitting on his hands), Crocodile

Shame on you (Blurring his whereabouts), Blue eyed fox
A slipping shroud (Blaming everybody else), Way up loud
Blowing hum (A hairdryer), Making Holes
Truly seen (Blaming everybody else), Truly you
Flying South (A slipping shroud), For the Sun
In a while (Way up loud), Crocodile

Come soft night
Come soft night
And pick me apart
Open my eyes
Open my eyes
And tear me apart

Look at all the pretty lights
Look at all the pretty lights
Look at all the pretty lights
Look at all the pretty lights
(It takes us time to get somewhere)

Look at all the pretty lights
Look at all the pretty lights
(It takes me time)

Waving A White Flag

Out of my sight
Out of my mind

Out of my sight
Out of what's coming
Out of my sight
Out of my sight
Out of my sight

Couldn't move a muscle
Couldn't get the breath in
Couldn't see the face when
Didn't wanna listen

Couldn't scratch your door down
Couldn't wave a white flag

Didn't see you come in
There has to be a way out
There's another way out
There's another way out
As the camera pulls into a singularity
Rings on its fingers
Bells on its toes
, but

Didn't see it coming
Waving a white flag

You're somebody else when you're down
You're somebody's face in the moon
You're somebody else left bеhind

We Don't Know What Tomorrow Brings

The Same

As stated this is too broad to say anything about. It was just that

Somebody's falling down
Somebody's telling lies
Simple ass motherfuckers
One mistake after another

resonated with me. And so did

Somebody's hearing voices (Somebody's going down, down, down)

Broadly this song is centered on human division. It could not have been a more serious plea in the moment because at the time the advent was the Russian invasion and the onset of the Ukraine war proper (even though it had been an un-noted and un-covered dirty civil war since 2014). At this time there was a peace negotiation that could have been signed but was squelched (the truth would do the usual limited hang out trickle down delay tallied in deaths conservatively at half a million, and tens of thousands of amputees). This squelched negotiation could have stopped the war. To back his support of the war, Bono parroted Zelensky's breathtaking lie about WWII history (0:31): "[H]ow many Ukrainians died fighting fascism? Fighting the Nazis? Nearly 8 million people died fighting fascists. And then to be called fascists, it's just ridiculous." In actual fact, !.5 million of these dead were Jews murdered by Nazis and their Nazi collaborators within Ukraine in the "Holocaust by Bullets". This was not the precedent.

My problem was that the individual I considered closest to me in the entire feedback loop endorsed this war to the point of committing sacrilege just before Christmas that year (invoking that parishioners repeatedly declare "Hallelujah" to Zelensky), which I had the dubious "gift" of getting to witness on Christmas Eve, 2021. (1:13:50) I could not have been more disappointed with Bono's behaviour. It's a cold, devoid state but I was actually beyond furious. And so the need was to disengage from this ultimate issue (there is no commonality on the basis of God because we're at pied piper level betrayal of God, yes, he's a little past endorsing Ukrainian Nazi grandspawn who are deputy prime ministers of Canada as leading feminists on a world tour). It takes an inhuman effort to turn your attention away from the intractable divide it presents, and still uphold the potential universal consciousness, which means we are still the same. I am not mistaken about this war, and what matters is to look to the existent potential of what this already is and what it may be. Because I'm right about that, too. The compoundment is, I have the nearly the same split going on with Thom over the Palestine genocide, so I'm in agreement with neither the believer, nor the unbeliever, and both of them have enabled a war (or a genocide, take your pick) with their political positions, either presently (Bono) or in the past (Thom et al). I felt almost as strongly about Thom, which is why this album takes it personally.

We don't need to fight
Look towards the light

Grab on it with both hands
What you know is right

The Opposite

So I was in slay mode throughout this period because the compounding effects of the deliberate white washing of Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Herr Chrystia Freeland's Nazi tutelage (she was mentored by her Nazi Ukrainian propagandist grandfather post divorce from age nine onwards), meant that the Freedom Convoy got smeared and the Emergency Measures Act invoked in a complete abuse of power by the "Liberal" government. (Canada's Supreme Court made this ruling.) The white wash was a universal limited hangout operation, both media and psyop (US cross border as well). Russiagate was launched first by WaPo attacking independent left www media using a Ukrainian based front group with nationalist campaign slogans in their twitter. This in fact was a ploy to permit the Canadian government to falsify its Parliamentary Report on the matter, claiming Herr Freeland's background  was "Russian disinformation" and falsifying that the sourcing had originated outside of Canada. U2 just arrrived to put the cherry on top for the duration of the Joshua Tree Tour 2017 in Canada. 

No one touched Chrystia Freeland because Freeland is an Isreal Firster, -America First foremost. (That's a quote from the US Embassy who were jizzing themselves when she got the Foreign Minister post.) She was maintained in power to ensure Canada's wholehearted position on the Ukraine war. Not that the need was overwhelming, the reason she's in power is because Canada has monuments to the Ukrainian Galicien SS peppered throughout. Canada took 2000 Ukrainian SS POWs (achive) absent background checks at the UK's behest post WWII, and the US were rat-lining Ukrainian war criminals to Canada post WWII as well (Deschenes Parliamentary Report). The Canadian goverment found this desirous for strike breaking, etc., etc. etc. Canada has the second largest diaspora of Ukrainians in the world, next to Russia. This means we got the rabid right wingers who collaborated with the Nazis in the murder of one quarter of the Jews exterminated in the Holocaust.

In the meantime Herr Freeland personally shredded the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to EMA a protest where, as double hat Finance Minister, she seized more Canadian bank accounts (even purportedly single mothers who contributed $20) for supporting a protest than the US did abroad over 9-11. That's on top of brazenly embezzling hundreds of billions in Covid relief for a population the size of California's and arguably bankrupting the nation. (She certainly made the consequent inflation much worse than most.) This is tip of the iceberg. You get the picture.

I was furious at Bono/ U2 for their ignoramus contribution to a political climate they knew functionally nothing about. And it never stopped getting worse.This means from a failure of Christian faith POV and a so politically ignoramus you were fine with slouching to WWIII worldview Bono and myself are complete, total opposites, so you can think of me as sole observer to how this polarity had ruined the potential universal consciousness ever getting to arrive at conscious in this light. I viewed this song as referring to the dilemma he'd personally succeeded in introducing, putting a machine spanner into the works of potentially the greatest human discovery ever, all because his outfit's a craven bootlicking political ass. On top of, he'll namedrop me on the sly, and he's obviously read my iBook, but kept completely mum about it (since 2011), even to me, which is a form of entrapment. So all of this:

What will now become of us?
The straw is coming out of us
It goes back and forth followed by a question mark
Lit up like a firework

He doesn't mean anything 4xs

(From my POV), -had to do with how Bono's two choices, 1) to maintain this as a secret (since 2011 at least, if not 2000), and 2) his subsequent proceed to become the greatest PR philanthrowash whitewash operation ever. This twinborn personal betrayal had taken everything apart. That it was a strawman allusion couldn't have been more perfect. (The one in need of a brain, or an argument.) Now here's the freaky part: the largest, most pivotal chapter in the iBook analyzing Bono's role in "all this" is titled "What Happened in the Rearview Mirror". Yes, really. It's Chapter 17. The last verse in that context is just mind-blowing. But what's really something is that this was the "rabbit hole" distraction in MG's letter, (was identified as such), which is the opening couplet to "Thin Thing", a furtherance of the tirade. And Bono's and WPC's silence was why, like in "Speech Bubbles", I had no place in the world, and could never be found by anyone else, including Thom.

You Will Never Work in Television Again

I'm just going to mention that I know what this is going off about and that I did a rabbit hole about it in the book. Before Weinstein, there was Berlusconi. America isn't the only place the US oligarchy likes to have pussy grabbers in power.

The Smoke

Part of my (night three not sleeping) experience in 2020 was entering a semi state between wake and sleep where I thought I had woken up inside of a fire in the northeast that became a multi-siren location.

But the feedback loop itself is a form a smoke signal where you light one's self on fire. (Only by writing it ahead of time can you hope to be seen.)  And it is relax into "our" caress because the mind's awareness is only confirmed by the universal feedback's awareness of it.

Thin Thing

Down a rabbit hole, we go
As the flames grow higher
For unbelievers

As stated, the U2/Bono disclosures in the Martin Gore letter were the rabbit hole I had to expiate to get to what mattered, including what I viewed as fulmination in a complete betrayal of his faith for the sake a psyop aimed at ruining of my home country as a functioning democracy. And the lambasting on my part, which had progressed by this point to texts as opposed to investigave reports, did make mushrooms out of men.

"Solid gold", the dichotomy of the shift to where "everything" was potentially back, happened from the hope in redemption/restoration I had when Bono stealth named me May 2021.

Making mushrooms out of men
‘Til she turns us back again

To a face of solid gold
Solid gold
The beginning at the end
‘Til she turns us back again

While my text tone is the worst tongue lashing you're ever going to encounter if you can't be bothered to bother with me in person, the phone shenanigans in terms of malware etc. were inflicted on me, not by me. 

Open the Floodgates

Here the exhortation is one of revelation, where revealing the substance of what is happening concisely without baggage is equated by Thom as being led from the darkness into light. 

A Hairdryer

This one really doesn't have enough basis to be included in analysis, but the thing is that Thom has made this female fox observer a long running theme, appearing first in "Her Revolution", and this observational slyness appears to still be a theme I'm willing to bet will carry onto the next album. Considering the roasting I did of his Palestine/Isreal position, that it's perceived as a hostile observer is not surprising, and in "direct" communication text wise I was blowing things up on the regular over the continued upset at Bono's positions, which just kept exploding in my face. The other thing is that I have been relocated to Florida from Canada so other than it being a crocodile as opposed to an alligator, (which is based on a rhyme with an alligator in the first line of the couplet, see you later alligator, in a while, crocodile), in terms of geolocation of the fox, the song "just happens" to be "correct". The whole point to all this is that Thom knows that his lyrics are being observed for what they say. She does get in trouble for blaming everyone else.

Waving A White Flag

This is a frozen apprehension of an appearance; -there is no way to surrender. It's rather paradoxical that Thom describes the situation as one where he couldn't find the individual by getting through her door. The rings and bells on the song's object shift "it" into a feminine, as it hails from this nursery rhyme:

Ride a cockhorse to Banbury Cross,
To see a fine lady upon a white horse;
Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes,

She shall have music wherever she goes.

With the parting verse that in a state of depression or isolation this individual becomes the sort of person where a white flag may be warranted. Hot hint: it's what happens when you isolate her to a text line and cannot be bothered with speaking in person,but it looks like you got someone DJing on her phone for quite some time with a bluetooth hack.