"WILD GOD", "FROGS" & "LONG DARK NIGHT" - Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds

WILD GOD lyrics
Once upon a time, a wild God zoomed
All through his memory in which he was entombed
It was rape and pillage in the retirement village
But in his mind he was a man of great virtue and courage

And he flew out the window with his long, trailing hair
And the smoke from the bodies went straight up in the air
He was a wild God searching for what all wild Gods are searching for
And he flew through the dying city like a prehistoric bird

He went searching for the girl down on Jubilee Street
But she'd died in a bedsit in 1993
So he flew to the top of the world and looked around
And said, "Where are my people?
Where are my people to bring your spirit down?"

A wild God searching for a faraway girl
Who was basically a mirage but nevertheless loomed large
She would hang under the rail as he blew 'round the room
And make love with a kind of efficient gloom

And the people on the ground cried, "When does it start?"
And the wild God says,
"It starts with a heart, with a heart, with a heart, with a heart"
And the people on the ground cried,"When does it end?"
And the wild God says, "Well, it depends, but it mostly never ends

'Cause I'm a wild God flying and a wild God swimming
And I'm an old, sick God dying and crying and singing"
Oh, we're wild Gods, baby, we're wild Gods
Yeah, bring your spirit down

Oh, well, he's moving through the flames of anarchy
And he's moving through the winds of tyranny
And the sweet, sweet tears of liberty, yeah, moving 'round the world
He's moving through your body like a prehistoric bird
He's moving 'round the world

Oh Lord, well, if you're feeling lonely and if you're feeling blue
And if you just don't know what to do
Bring your spirit down

Oh, we're wild Gods, baby, we're wild Gods
I'm a wild God, baby, I'm a wild God

Oh, here we go, we're going to the cradle of Africa
We're going to Russia, we're going to China
To the United States of America

Yeah, moving 'round the world
Yeah, moving like a great, big, beautiful bird
We're moving 'round the world

Yeah, and he's swimming at the end of the rotting pier
He swims to the end of his rotting idea
Swim to the hymn, swim to the prayer and bring your spirit down

I'm a wild God, baby, I'm a wild God
Well, here we go, yeah, here we go

Let's state plainly what I think WILD GOD is going to present us with, because I think Cave's use of bride of Jesus is his description of his conversion because it really does connote the nature of his conversion. In other words, the reason I feel there is connective tissue here is because it is Cave's awareness of the Bride that ushers his conversion to Christ.

Namely, what WILD GOD is about to present us with is God's consummation with the Bride as art. This is not a predictive faculty, it's what "WILD GOD" already describes as a universal descent of the Spirit upon the Church. (Yes, because it's expressing procreation as promulgation of spiritual identity, as opposed to sexual procreation. It's the multiplicity of identity into co-identity as "wild gods", i.e., elohim, through a universal descent of the Spirit.) Not rocket science. I'm just saying that this is going to be the substance of the whole album. This tracks back to his conversion and statement of it, at least in art form.

"It was the year I officially became the bride of Jesus" - "Magneto" lyric

I think that "Magneto" is a veiled allusion to Nick Cave's conversion on The Boatman's Call, because of where he was at physically at the time. Magneto is a shaft of abstract astral love grounded in a withdrawal scene, a merger that is at once as intangible as spirit, yet so total and so expansive it bursts forth as a common skyscape, where common identity arises not from the corporeal but a common consciousness of the same substance, a galaxy within each of immeasurable expanse, a merger so internal and so complete she swims in his blood. But the entire abstraction is grounded, as if by the creative umbilicus, to a body wracking first person description of withdrawal on a bathroom floor, attached to an individual in the bowels of misery and grief. Granted, it doesn't have to be withdrawal, but it describes it well. I think the entire WILD GOD album will prove to be the same sort of foray into a transcendent abstraction of consummation as "Magneto" alludes (from a happy place).

To become the b/Bride of Jesus is to convert to Christianity, for Jesus' analogy of His collective Church (consisting of every born again believer) is the Bride. From an artistic standpoint, The Boatman's Call is the only album where Nick Cave describes this as an experience, namely with "Brompton Oratory" followed by "There is a Kingdom". Cave declared himself clean from heroin for the first time upon the album's release. It was something he did not manage until after PJ Harvey broke up with him for that reason. "Black Hair" is about her, and "West Country Girl" (with some borrows), so is "Green Eyes", connoting the break up. (You'll notice Cave has the lightning bolt icon on every tab of his official website.)

Whereas The Boatman's Call connoted first encounter in 1997, this is the finalization of it, where instead of drop your coat, with "FROGS" we have "hop inside my coat".

That this is going to describe this consummation is why I believe that these albums are connected, because this was how Cave described his conversion in 1997 (framing it in terms of consummation). With "Magneto" he re-referenced this point in time as becoming the bride of Jesus. Which means he's already conferred how he identifies the Godhead before WILD GOD presents us with consummation between God and a woman/church.   

Now all of this is subject to the debate of whether Cave views all of this merely as a fount of creativity, access to hope incarnate as opposed to an actual Being, the beautiful idea. I'm not here to argue the if and whether of this question, it is not mine. He has already signified this sort of dismissal of "Lavender Fields" on CARNAGE. (Would he say the same of "Hand of God"? I've a sensibility that the subject matter is too hot a potato for him to take up any other way.) 


For me this is a never mind. Because I am at the place where that all already happened, or I wouldn't have written about it happening beforehand. I have stated Cave received this iBook (and M's 120 page letter (TRiMB is a synopsis)) before CARNAGE was released, three months before he announced the album. It's neither here nor there as in we don't know either way, but the pain definitely fits. I don't know if he is aware of the book or unaware of the book (and the letter that brought things up to speed by updating to 2020). I did in order to "intercept the feedback loop" with Cave. And yes, CARNAGE was then announced as tangibles on my birthday after he got them.


I think if I analyze this song in terms of the book, the situation speaks for itself. I'm going to give you a vantage of this taking place. Quite simply, the melodrama the song connotes is a stratospheric fantastical concoction that defies all sense, unless it's contextualized with the iBook. I appreciate "died in a bedsit" on the basis of granting irrelevance, but 1993 as the year of death is an illuminating date stamp, and anyone receiving my missives knows that with Nick Cave there have been several.

Let Love In was released April 18, 1994, -at the time Nick Cave was residing in Brazil. Presumably the songs on the album were penned by and large in 1993. "Do You Love Me?" was the first song Nick Cave produced, as per the record in the iBook (p.581) that the protagonist thought might have something to do with her (-because the circumstances were the dreadful truth). In other words it's on record as the first time Nick Cave was presumed to be potentially accessing the universal feedback loop as a unifying consciousness. That means it just happens to be another date time stamp concealing its import by announcing it as the year God's object of love had passed away. (If you register this for even a split fleeting second in the song's context of being a sexual relationship this makes no sense.) In the narrative her death was foreshadowed by Nick Cave's tracks on this album, but occurred metaphysically (as opposed to physically) in 1995. Meaning it was a termination of existence on a level that wasn't physical, but was described as a death by the inspirational universal feedback loop.

The premise I am presenting is the functionally the opposite, granted. By that I mean God's calling of all His people in Cave's song is to bring her spirit down to earth and restore the union that way. My public experiment is the exact opposite: I'm saying this occured already on a mental plane and the only way I'm going to know it happened more broadly is because there is a universal inspirational feeback loop and the loop is going to put the "Wild God" on exhibit, and that is the only indicator not only of His existence, but indicates that this took place on a level that was more than just one individual's interior mental experience.

And again this was a circumstance Nick Cave was privy to in realy time in it happened, with the date in question where this was revealed was May 29th, 2021. This is the date "FROGS" was released on in 2024. Why is May 29th important and why did I regard "FROGS" as dropping on a three year anniversary? Well I've put the explanation here, because it is "WILD GOD" that is the event itself, and it links to the above lyrics, and so does "LONG DARK NIGHT". 

It's really basic: -What exactly, was the impact of hearing this song, and why did it take about seven days to process?

Well, to cut to the chase, Nick Cave got a real time expletive (presumably on the 29th) exclaiming something like "Holy sheep balls!!!", Bono named me! And then he got this requisite explanation of how in about as much time as it took to write it. I gave him the analysis without describing any of the impact. What the album WILD GOD actually presents, is the emotional impact of the analysis.


Is part of the attraction that you want to be destroyed?
I’m the spirit on the water, you’re the formless void

Genesis 1:2: "And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters."

"The verb 'moved' is actually a mistranslation of the Hebrew 'flutter' or 'shake', the action of a bird shuddering [his/] her wings while brooding a nest to maintain a perfect temperature for [their] unhatched eggs, used as the first action in making creation."

The Biblical analysis Cave received explained how the first line in the couplet ties this into my name personally, that this vantage to my name had actually appeared as the first introduction in my book, and that this was not a coincidence because the line It was Adam not Eve who threw God out of the garden you wrote me, was also an explanation provided in the book (see bottom of this page for iBook quotes).

The impact of this emotionally after relating the 120 page letter (TRiMB) as a prior event was just "BOOM".

The verb used in Genesis was a procreative verb exclusive to birds, and Cave subsequently penned, "He's moving through your body like a prehistoric bird" after getting a prehistory Bible verse.

This couplet sunk into my being with all the breadth and depth of that weight (-it was invoking the analogy of "Hand of God", "you're a body of water on the hotel bed", -Bono (playing God) was elevating this and deliberately naming me at the dawn of time, and the verse is the shudder upon the waters, consummation as the moment of creation between the sky and the sea. 

Bono's deliberate naming was the conscious designation of that having taken place, the naming apparently consciously done by the Only Individual in the potential universal music feedback loop who actually possibly knew who I was on this earth, the only individual to receive my book (in 2011, making him the only one who's apparently wrote a song about reading it), the only man who (the letter explains). And he was speaking, deliberately, as God Himself in Genesis, and as Jesus Himself further down. The setting of this insouciant unconsciously innocent girl who's grown (-unconscious of walking around with no pants at the Gates of Eden) is intended to confer a return, an Eden 2.0. (He's lecturing as per usual.) 


My existence in this arriving headspace is a functional understanding of completely shared awareness. Because I am dealing with a Being (Jesus) Who in 1996 became my whole being once, (with a perception that this shift was permanent), it's existence as a completely assimilated shared awareness. May 29th, 2021 was the day I was consciously named in that context. That for me sealed what had happened by consciously conferring it to my human personhood in the real world. It was grounded in my being, and that sealed the union officially on that day.

This is why WILD GOD is going to convey the emotional impact of the Biblical analysis of Bono's song "Eden (To Find Love)" Nick Cave received. The reason this is apparent is because I announced this was going to happen in the music on this substack October 16th, 2021. I just have to catch up on the analysis of everything that's happened in the universal inspirational feedback loop between then and now, because I dropped off analysing it. 

FROGS lyrics

Ushering in the week he knelt down 
Crushed his brother's head in with a bone 
It's my great privilege 
Oh babe, to walk you home

In the Sunday rain 
Hop inside my coat 
In the Sunday rain 
The frogs are jumping in the gutters 
Uh, leaping to God, amazed of love 
And amazed of pain 
Amazed to be back in the water again 
In the Sunday rain 
In the Sunday rain
Gets you right down to your soul 

Oh Lord, oh Lord 
The children in the heavens 
Jumping for joy, jumping for love 
And opening the sky above 
So, take that gun out of your hand 
'Cause all will be well say the bells 
It's Sunday morning and I'm holding your hand 

Amazed of love and amazed of pain 
Amazed to be back in the water 
Back in the water again 
Take that gun out of your hand 
In the Sunday rain
Frogmarching you home, babe 
Home to bed, yeah, in the Sunday rain 
Take that gun out of your hand 
Lord, kill me! In the Sunday rain 
Kill me! Kill me! In the Sunday rain 
Hop inside my coat
It's Sunday morning and I'm holding your hand 
Frogmarching us home to a bed made of tears 
Kris Kristofferson walks by kicking a can 
In a shirt he hasn't washed for years 
Hop inside my coat 
Hop inside my coat

So I said we were going to analyze this song in terms of the iBook and see what it means that way.

For "frogs" I think the symbolism is this. By nationality/eventual pejorative there is a historical Christian root to the term. With that, "frog marching" (a term coinned a century before my birth year) becomes a double entendre, because the host of jumping frogs are signifying identity with this encounter by accompaniment. (It also originally splayed the target individual somewhat like a crucifixion pose.) Also frogs are amphibians (they are water immersed from birth, breath through gills, and only transition to land as adults), which in terms of the water analogy in the song and presumably throughout the album is going to prove very significant 


Water/sea is a pivotal symbol in the book as well, which applies to the song perfectly. So search "universal unconscious sea" in the iBook. Starts on p. 445. First concept, literally. Every time the sea comes up in the lyrical analysis it has to do with how is universal inspiration possible-? (-Meaning a commonality of inspiration occurring in a number of artists even if they don't know it?) Which was probably far too big a leap to make, that maybe this could be possible if Jung/Cayce's concept of the river of universal unconscious was real. So a co-affinity with water/river/sea in this interpretation has to do with an openness to unifying inspiration, i.e., the concept of God. So rain unleashed by the children of heaven has to do with "bring your Spirit down" directly. It's an inundation of the Spirit in an undeniable way. And the terrestrial aligned and heavenly aligned are jumping for joy at this happening at the same time. The return to the water for Cave signifies reintegration as a spiritual being in a unified awareness, the sea is the bounds of universal inspiration, -return to common immersion as a unity with like beings who find their source in God. This puts the frogs, as amphibians, in a great return to their source, which is analogous to the children of the heavens. It is Cave's return to this co-identity as a being of the water as well. The analogy of Cave becoming the "bride of Jesus" applies to this also. The two are synonymous, and in case that seems a stretch, that's what the children of heaven opening the heavens in the same analogy as Cave and the frogs are meant to introduce. 


The u. u. sea analogy is so detailed in the book that the first personal introduction between Bono and myself becomes described as my appearing on the shore to him, and so on. Because the feminine "star of the sea" is defined via the universal unconscious sea as an object of universal inspiration, she is in that sense, from and of the sea, arguably the biggest thing in it. (It'll figure later.)


What I've said so far does not accord with an impersonation of Cain, which signifies the very opposite. So what do I think is going on with this opening address, which takes us back to the first story of Genesis post being cast out of Eden?  


It has to do with the signifying role The Boatman's Call performed in 1998 in the book, on me. The "Kill Me, Lord" is an anachronism precisely from that period; it's part of the role he assumed and performed inspiration-ally back then, which this reprises. This again time-stamps what the gun in hand actually represents, which again is opposite in meaning. In other words this paradigm played out in the universal music feedback over twenty years ago and has already receded and vanished in the rear-view mirror, but this forces an explanation of it-, -and the appearance of Redemption in that context in 1997 with The Boatman's Call is still playing out with this album as well.

So what Nick Cave did with that album was perform a 180 degree flip on my perception of God, in terms of what I'd been raised to perceive God as my entire life, by a purported prophet (claimed to be John the Baptist and Elijah, also Dad) who wielded his indoctrination and teaching of God to invert and control my life in pretty much the most harmful manner humanly possible. (But it's all in the iBook, so I don't have to belabor the time to explain it.) And Nick Cave did this in an impersonation of the Suitor, which took until GHOSTEEN, basically, to sort itself out.  


And in fact I handled the personal dilemmas this bestowed me with on my own terms, but I did it not by fighting the situation but assuming the worst and giving up my soul and accepting condemnation if it was warranted on the faith it was not, and on the faith that there really was a God, and that God would appear in a manner that I would accept if He was aware I was innocent, and that even in a perceptual extermination that went far further than my material self I would rise if I surrendered in pure altruism. It was a proof-is-in-the-pudding ultimate litmus test. And a refusal to ever appear if God did not, and if God did not sanction and will me. As Himself. In the Christian Identity, i.e., Christ.  


The universal feedback loop had already been occurring for years by that threshold, observably, as recorded. 


Enter The Boatman's Call. You can search the impact of this album in the iBook, how personally deep it went. It caused me to leave the country for a year to find out what was going on, because it appeared to invite the thing I wanted in life more than anything in the world, which has never happened. I contacted three artists personally in that year, Bono, Nick Cave, and Billy Corgan (now WPC). There were outcomes with all three, which again are all described if you just have the time and faculty to read about it. As far as I'm concerned the outcomes with Cave are now. Same with Bono too.

WPC is a little more of a question mark at present, but this may boil down to the '08/'09 break up being a matter of ending all contact, and that he was the cause of me doing this the first time. This is like a 2.0 reset in that regard. Meaning a consciously contrived bluff is a thing and... the double whammy, anything coming from him is not objectively reliable, because, I deliberately terminated the universal unconsious inspirational feedback only with him by revealing basically everything, and doing so as an individual proof exercise only to him. Meaning he is in the main creatively a free individual who is reacting consciously on either the count of omission/evasion, or even inclusion; - basically anything he does creatively is fundamentally reactive in that it is a conscious decision making process, and can be so by doing anything and everything exactly however he wants. (Oh, oops.) Make of that what you will. Mayhaps the point may be, it appears pretty much real time reactive, but he still doesn't know I'm still faster on the draw. As in, I beat this announcement if it had any direct interpretation by three weeks. That's if. Which was already explained to the party(ies) in question beforehand with the iBook to back it all up, which WPC was never informed existed. So there's that...

Enough of that diversion...


In the '97-2000 frieze (all iBook) the three worked as a trifecta in concert, inexorably stamped my consciousness in terms of that moment in a way that resonates to this song in the present. Zero/Glass is still an applicable analogy iBook wise (as per the hyperlinks  to the iBook footnotes on "Free in the Knowledge"), that was pretty much the idea. Martin Gore was the fourth.


The only reason I wasn't afraid to leave in 1999 was because I believed, absolutely on faith, that the 180-degree flip where up was down and white was now black and black was now white, was me being permitted to apprehend the correct perception of God for the first time. I had to believe this absolutely to leave, because my father, who had attempted to condemn me eternally in terms of his metaphysics he'd designed me with my whole life, asserted that whatever or whomever I was attempting to find would surely be the anti-Christ (-or worse), and/or better yet, that because I had the temerity to disbelieve him on any of this and had abandoned my calling from God he'd ordained in my life, whomever I sought would be eternally damned precisely because I'd sought him out, because my father had already condemned me.


And my way of proving this incorrect had been to surrender to his condemnation when it took place, assume it to the full extent, and basically force God's appearance to prove this wrong, as in it would either be Grace or nothing. I'd already put that in motion, and Nick Cave's album was the first "result" or appearance of that. So I already had observed and believed with complete faith that Active Redemption had already appeared and redeemed the apparently irredeemable rebel, in context. And he was fully prepared then as now to take the hit of declaring "show up at my door", because if my father's perception of God was the correct one, it was such an existential obscenity the correct response was in fact "Kill me". Call the bluff as it were. Before I left I was being verbally threatened with these things face to face. Just the act of leaving was calling the bluff. My father put all those threats to me just on departure alone. 

But the thing that really performed that result was not Cave's action but mine, and what/Who appeared inspiration-ally and apparently redeemed Cave. (That can be extended, WPC emulated the Suitor too and apparently had no clue at the time. Between the four parties we have four different steps in the process, and all were contacted in person, all hand to hand deliveries '99-'05, with the exception of Martin Gore who got mail in 2020.)


In short, this extended timeline is what makes me the female with the gun. Gun for whom, and what is it-?  


What gives the Redeemer the capacity to exercise judgment on return? The sacrifice of Himself perfectly for all humankind. Love. 


It's the same principle and dynamic. The gun was love. It was a proving principle that leaves all else to dust. It was not something I set out to do, but it played out depicted in the universal music feedback at the time in a number of places, most pointedly The Rolling Stones' "Saint of Me" and The Smashing Pumpkins' "Stand Inside Your Love" (-"The Mystery of Love is Greater than the Mystery of Death" - Oscar Wilde), -both of which you can examine in the book in terms of full analysis and impact, if you want to. But it is a fulcrum on the dynamic of judgment and that was what played out, in a depiction that was dead literal in the video because the king ordered the execution of the pair the moment the suitor appeared and released Salome, so the verbal threats issued by my father were depicted as meted consequence onscreen. (My father's notion of the worst possible threat he could utter in print before departure was, "When the world finds out about you, they are going to call you Salome.") And the result of that in depiction was a pair of transcendent souls arising to heaven entwined together because they could not be killed. Execution united them.


So if this appears under guise ("thief in the night"), if the Redeemer appears as Himself as an redemptive active dynamic that is commonly perceived, and the start point is perhaps the ultimate rebel to the notion of Christianity and the Church and Christ Himself, but the points of rebellion turn out to be to what was harnessed to a falsehood and imposed, i.e., the terrible perception of a judgmental God designed for an inverted totalitarian control over one individual, you get common Biblical markers turned upside down on their heads 180 degrees, i.e., you get Salome at the center of the table of twelve with John the Baptist's head on a platter, and in fact that is what both the above videos connote. "Stand Inside Your Love" in particular is transcendence of execution of both parties by guillotine ordered by a king on his 'throne', who maintained Salome as prisoner.  


And you get the inverted context in "FROGS" where the end of the perceived former brother is a righteous act, not the other way 'round. Again we're not sure by whom. But in my personal purview and the Bible's, Jesus and John the Baptist were BFF spiritual compatriots bar none. (-But she's the one with the gun.)


"Bed of tears" I'm not entirely prepared to explain yet. Anyone who reads the iBook would have no remaining questions about that whatsoever.




I was long inside a dream, I could not get loose
I will tell you of it, although there is little use
To tell a dream, when dreaming is all you ever do
But things were not so good, I can't make light of it

My poor soul, it was having a dark night of it
It was a long night, a week, maybe a year
Maybe a long dark night is coming down
Maybe a long dark night is coming down

Through the door of my dream burst
No zombie, no ogre, no devil there
But a flying man with long trailing hair
Who perched upon the iron rail of my bed
Oh, Lord, combing his long white hair and saying my name
How could he know, when I did not even know my name?

Maybe a long dark night is coming down
Maybe a long dark night, my precious one
Maybe a long dark night rolling around my eyes
Oh, Lord

The man who took me to be from elsewhere
When I too inhabited the earthly sphere lent down and struck me
With his long trailing hair

Maybe a long dark night is coming down
Maybe a long dark night, my precious one
Maybe a long dark night is rolling around my head
Oh, Lord

It's clear this is integrally related to "WILD GOD", described from the feminine vantage of God's object witnessing the first advent, that for her the passage was dark. lonely, perilous and difficult, but that the apparition was none of these things.

What is of key importance here is that the advent revolved around being named by God, which is exactly what I have already described. If you read anything you will find that the naming was conferred by the one individual who was acting perhaps with conscious intent inside the entire potential universal inspirational feedback loop, so there's that.

The name is fraught with negative baggage; -I was treated to it all, so much so I didn't have qualms about assuming any of it.There's enough going on the engender the rejoinder of whether you have a death wish just by the contemplative acceptance.

The event of "Eden (To Find Love)" performed a 180 degree reversal on the existential nature of the name itself.

Hence this is the third time in a row Nick Cave has isolated the very nature of the event in terms of what he received directly. The song also depicts the nature of pre-conception existence in terms of a preternatural existence already elsewhere on an alternate plane, which is how God identifies His object in this song despite her being a human being, with Himself being identified in the terms of reference of the Son of Man.

iBook pages that were referenced by Bono in "Eden (To Find Love)":

It was Adam not Eve who threw God out of the garden you wrote me

Is part of the attraction that you want to be destroyed?
I’m the spirit on the water, you’re the formless void

If you need the full analysis for how this ties in Biblically to Bono's first sung couplet, it is the same as was provided to Nick Cave, after he already received the iBook.

Archive 8/20/24