as he would go on to say, -and then some.

I saw your face” – “Victorian Machinery” (09/06/12 -much, much later) was a reference that possibly inferred this sort of coincidental “capture” (by the name of her hometown). This occurred twice over, both in terms of the real and metaphysical, the metaphysical "capture" occurring with "Universally Speaking" on what we'll call the "severely embedded" future album, By the Way (06/04/02). The same round of B-Side releases (11/29/13) that produced Victorian Machinery also happened to catch her nationality ("Your Eyes Girl") her nickname ("Ray" in "Hanalei"), her hair (her father, and the fact that it all went into a book) -in "This is the Kitt" (-the hair, -no kidding.–As for those supremely sensitive matters, they seem to just reverberate and keep on going (and going)). Plus it captured that the significant “other” who compelled the whole exposition was named Paul (as in Paul Hewson, in "How it Ends"), -all in the same take.