-Wow, that was fast. Churches are being torched in Canada over the discovery of mass graves on residential schools. Just a subtle reminder, Canada's first interest in westward expansion was to eliminate Catholic power (because, Quebec), and not permit integrational parity westward (or we wouldn't have had the Riel conflagration twice over). Only as a performing enabler was the Catholic church given renewed power in the roll west, once resistance had been eliminated. (They weren't the only denomination responsible either, it was the United Church and Anglicans as well.) This is a case of the church accepting subbordination in order to regain power by performing as an enabler of the state.
Of course the state, which probably made the RCMP's main "legal" function to enforce residency schools control over the native population by forcibly taking native children from their parents, now occupies itself arresting ministers for outdoor sermons (outdoor, socially distanced sermons do not increase risk of Covid-19 transmission), when not arresting political opposition for speaking outdoors to twelve socially distanced attendees, in Manitoba, of course, where the first insurrection and violent suppression defining Canada as a nation westward took place. Manitoba had just escalated lockdowns to prohibit outdoor gatherings of more than five people a month earlier (as well as prohibiting church services entirely), a prohibition that has no scientific basis. Is this indicated to be prejudicial to religious services as opposed to businesses (i.e., ski resorts who have demonstrably proven Covid-19 transmission clusters)? -Yes. Business is tacitly exempt from restriction, vacay and shop til you drop.
So in this instance acrivist arsonists are not acting in contravention to the state but rather reflecting its policies (if inadvertently and at cross purposes), which is arguably the entire goal of intersectionality and identity politics (apart from the potential billions in windfall to come out of medicalizing identity). How far is medicalizing sexual identity prepared to go? It's about turning female reproductive organs (and bodies) into a reproductive commodity, the end run on commodifying reproduction.
"Follow the hand" doesn't appear to be one of their faculties. I mean if you're idiot enough to commit multiple arsons in the Canadian west during this heat dome (given the potentiality of compounding the requisite wildfire regime), you're more ecocidal than anything you purport to oppose, and sucessfully weaponized in the wrong directions. Destroying statues (interestingly, this also occurred at the Manitoba provincial legislature and was not stopped) does nothing to change governance for the better. (This is who Murray Sinclair is.) I was actively censored for ideation and analysis of the issues at hand in Canada many years earlier, but statue destruction is newsworthy, and lauding this (and calling for the burning of all (Canadian) churches) is not banned on Twitter (though radical feminists are, whereas porn and child porn are not). It's a fair question why that is.
I mean really. If these purported radicals are so against systemic racism, why are the statues dedicated to Ukrainian Nazi genocidaires in Canada fully intact? They're public record in those circles (on Facebook), a known fact. Only one statue has been defaced and there are several of them. You'd think toppling these would be a priority, but taking on actual Nazis in the Canadian woodwork isn't these "activists" cup of tea. (Torching religious buildings of a faith that is founded on "turn the other cheek" and do good to those that hurt you is. Catholics are having crisis of faith over this in contrition, while twittosphere calls to burn them all.) Targeting the actual Nazi statues would also be flipping the bird at the current present government, who's presently capable of these sorts of gaffes, having basically bequeathed the country to a Ukrainian Nazi descendent. (She's been Foreign Minister, Minister of Intra-governmental Affairs, Deputy Prime Minister (which made her acting Prime Minister when Trudeau was down with Covid-19), and Finance Minister.)
Anyone facile enough to accept the heirarchy they're vehemently opposed to so long as it's inverted is too facile for capable observation. Imposing an inverted victim based heirarchy will preserve oligarchic control, meaning racism became ideologically armoured in order to justify amoral capitalism's first existential foray, which was slavery on an industrialized scale, and the imposition of an inverted heirarchy by design preserves oligarchic control. Identity politics permits corporatism to parade as woke (when in fact they are foraying into the ideological capture of ethics aimed at the young through social media in subversion of the family, and attempting to take over as moral gatekeepers of society, which is inherently impossible for an amorally structured entity), adroitly avoiding that they are wholly responsible for the planet's wage slavery and that this is their preferred state of humanity. They are unleashing censorship and violence to enforce this gatekeeping.
Maybe if I offer this succinctly it will begin to dawn: the so called "Magdalene laundries" existed in Canada too (Toronto had one) and were even capable of forcing a lifetime (or at least two to three years) of slave labour out of women adjudged morally deficient. While administered by both Catholic and Protestant denominations, they were by and large providing free laundry services for the service industry, in particular hotels, in other words, slavery for the rich, (while their forced adoption babies also serviced those richer than themselves, and surrogacy is wombs for hire for the rich).
Amoral capitalism has always engaged in the maximal exploiation of human labour wherever and however it could get away with it, and as the Church can no longer provide the ideological dispensation or moral clout to get away with it, it is now being dispensed with. After all since it was the moral crisis of the Church that ultimately dispensed with slavery, amoral capitalism recognizes a potential enemy when it sees one. The Church has only serviced amoral capitalism in the past if it has been sufficiently bastardized for the purpose.
While the residential school system was worse because it was ethnically based on pormulgating the government's starvation/ethnic cleansing policy which was already in place (and was deisgned to annihilate a culture at the family level), it really isn't far different from how Catholics ran their orphanages for all children (infants that were the product of the sexual abuse of children were thrown into furnaces (or deliberately smothered if they were a nun's), on both counts), or how they exploited and mistreated fallen women, profiting off their offspring, when not burying them in mass graves, more a product of neglectful conditions and medical ignorance (lack of antibiotics), though this was not the case with tuberculosis in residential schools, which was weaponized contagion in the early 20th century in Canada.
The policy between the UK, Canada and Australia of forcibly adopting hundreds of thousands of out of wedlock children (often adopting and transferring between the three countries, hardly fared better (UK: est. 130,000-150,000) when deliberately dumped inter-Commonwealth, (i.e., Australian Catholic labour camps for children). If tallied between all three countries (Canada: est. 300,000, Australia: est. 200,000)), forced adoption programs far outstripped the native population forcibly sequestered to Canadian residential schools: est. 150,000.)
This is the product of a culture that desires a surplus of over-reproduction based on predicating male sexual entitlement because the unwanted furnish a >1% exponential human population growth rate designed to produce wage slavery. Neglect and intergenerational trauma are part and parcel of this package deal. Secular state run institutions did not show much divergence in terms of a propensity for abuse. In terms of an institutional accounting, investigation, and collective remorse for these sorts of crimes, Canada is ahead of other actors, for a less overt system of ethnic cleansing.