WaPo - Democracy Dies in Darkness

Do you regard Amazon's market position, Amazon's active censorship on this subject, and the fact that Bezos owns the Washington Post to be unrelated to headlines such as this? 

Amazon, Censorship And The Gender Industry - Jennifer Bilek 

Who are the Rich White [Billionaire] Men Institutionalizing Gender Ideology? - Jennifer Bilek

"In 2016 North Carolina attempted to hold onto to their sex-specific public restrooms. HRC, the Trans Lobby group, engaged 206 corporations worth trillions of dollars to roll back the state's bill." - Inside the Gender Identity Industry - Jennifer Bilek

This is how the little boys and girls behave towards a mature woman when they're enforcing dick in women's changerooms must be accepted and seen by women and girls. (Then say it's on the child to not stare.) They literally split the heads (of pastors) over the issue.

How did The Washington Post frame this incident? 

This is how congressional members behave over the matter of protecting female sport in Ohio.

"2000-2014 the number of sex surgeries on physically healthy people rose fourfold. 

2015-2016 the number of sex surgeries on physically healthy people rose 19%. 

2020-2026 projected growth of sex surgeries on physically healthy people will be 24.5%, with global profits in sex surgeries on physically healthy people projected to be 1.5 billion dollars." - the 11th Hour Blog

This is the commodification of human identity based on medical interventionism, and it is big money

WTAF -how much does erasure of sexual selection by females have to do with having to arrive at this as an identity - ?

IT'S JUST A MARKET. From much the same AH's who put the illegal move on your health data

“Our estimates place the average cost of transition at $150,000 per person,” she said. “Multiply that by an estimated population of 1.4 million transgender people, we’re taking about a market in excess of $200B. That is significant. That’s larger than the entire film industry.” - Quantifying Transition - The Baffler

With regards to this last, this was WaPo tilting for Big Tech, when these are the facts of the case. At the same time Amazon set its sights on the removal of the first FTC Commissioner in decades to assert that antitrust regulation is applicable to Big Tech, using the usual revolving door corrupt players. They have the audacity to attempt this while subject to several massive antitrust lawsuits brought forward by both the FTC and a mass array of attorneys general. They also at the same time have the audacity to behave like gangsters and basically demand protection from third party sellers they consider worth the fleece

I can tell you, once you begin observational analysis of WaPo, it's nothing but a propaganda spigot. It's basically just a deliberate hijack of human and environmental issues by neoliberalism in order to feed you inserted BS under the guise of journalism. Given these screenshots occurred in mere minutes you'd soon outpace a book. (I did, that was the article I was on when my computer disappeared, the next one.)

Remember, Alexa, Echo? HFC. 

This is what my article launched on when my computer disappeared and I lost nearly a year's research. 

Identity politics is being used to mask overwhelming illegitimate monopoly power