Extra - The Next Day

Interestingly, it was a theme Bowie himself would revisit and/or conflate, with the “Love is Lost” remix video (10/30/13, originally from The Next Day (03/08/13)) depicting him washing his hands at the sink (as in “Thursday’s Child”), while the song “The Informer” in the next release (The Next Day Extra EP (11/04/13)) had a verse that described standing by the shattered mirror in a pool of blood on the bathroom floor, in the context of questioning the origins of spirituality in the Christian sense of the nature of God and Satan. (It has an underlying feel of kill the messenger, as whomever was capable of imparting such grounding and foundation was definitely not what was sought and only had itself to blame for the rejection.)

On the same EP: “Atomica” presented a feminized personification of the atom bomb, as well as the notion of swimming in the U.U. “sea” in terms of co-existence in a covered pool, i.e. more than one person swimming in collective total submergence, equated as existing in the impossible. “God Bless the Girl” spoke for itself, saying “Jacqui’s” work was love, (and she’d been bequeathed this job by God), and “Born in a UFO” hearkened “her” incarnation from space.

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