
posted in: Poetry
posted by WilliamPatrickCorgan

I harbor no ill will, no dissension that I can uncover
It is mixed in like paint if a bad temper is to be found within me
I am totally subsumed by my Love for you
It has washed over me in waves
It has run over me in droves
It has pecked at my flesh till I am bleached by the Sun
Let us surrender
God has his key in my palm and now he has given its lock to you
Fatima sees how it must all go down
How many horses it will take to drag the minaret crashing to the ground
How many virgins it will take to wipe from the streets, on their hands and
knees, the blood of my ways and means
I am no stone to be polished
I am that was that I am that I am becoming

They only wanted water, for they walked forever to find it
Without water they would die
They had no need for love
They had no need to conceptualize their breath
When they finally came to the cool breach
They fell to their knees and praised not the Lord
Not thy saviour
They praised the spring that brought forth life