Rabbit Hole: That's interesting because in the opening message Bono got in August 1999 (11 pages), the first thing I did to introduce the situation was introduce the framework with respects to my father, -which was the one element he appeared to acknowledge, -by naming his sons after the Biblical linkages put in my opening letter, namely Elijah and John. (When I met Bono, Elijah had been born just before (not quite a day before), -so soon as to not be named yet.) This figure in the book (the one signified by the names Elijah and John) is the book's antagonist (search those and you'll find out). The visual montage here at 1:43 sort of becomes a curiosity that juxtaposes with the book very well (in light of the first track on this album having "Now you're at the other end of a telescope, seven billion stars in her eyes" and how it ties in to the book as well). The deliberate omission of this figure in the "Walk to the Water" snippet happens to reflect the desired "disappear" of the figure which took place long before in the book and is a fait accompli, -which is sort of what you have happening in the visual accompaniment in the above track where "Brother John", who was apparently asleep at the wheel in a manner of speaking, turns into a skeleton. This also happens to reference the book. Search "wake up dead man", and this footnote about "Blow Your House Down".)