#askU2 -Are you aware your /@ONECampaign sponsor is known for preying on the poor? #askwarren

"The mobile-home trap: How a Warren Buffett empire preys on the poor" -The Seattle Times

"Warren Buffet’s housing firm exploits minorities: report" -New York Post

"Hillary Donor Ripping off Minorities with Sub-Prime Mortgages" -FrontpageMag

"Hillary's Favorite Billionaire" -GOP.com

#askU2 -Are  aware your @RED/@ONECampaign sponsor provided toxic trailers to refugees for  and #Haiti?

"The Shelters That Clinton Built" - The Nation

I have put these two together becauses they both involve the same Buffett company, Clayton Homes. It also belongs together because it was because of the Clinton Foundation that Buffett got his 'in' to Haiti. Which is otherwise questionable given their conduct there. What I find notable about this episode is that it was well before Bono serenaded Buffett for his cool hard cash, which is enough indication he should have well known what he was getting into. (Video Fun Fact: At the time, Bono had majority control of Forbes at a cool $264 million via his Elevation Partners. It was like having his own personal PR BJ for all of his activities with the Uber-rich, and they never let him down.)

"What the Clintons did to Haiti" -Current Affairs

"The People vs. The Pirates: Controversy Abounds in Haitian Reconstruction Investigations" -nacla

I enjoyed this quote: "There’s something slightly peculiar about the Democrats’ enthusiastic embrace of the über-wealthy. Mark Cuban, for example, plays a vicious executive on a reality show in which people compete for the favor of wealthy patrons. Does this sound familiar? With Cuban spitting out words like “jagoff” and “batshit,” the Clinton campaign makes it clear that it doesn’t object in principle to vulgar billionaires from reality television. Just certain vulgar billionaires from reality television.

Likewise with Michael Bloomberg." -Not only is Bloomberg one of Trump’s social peers, but he also shares Trump’s record of crassly sexist commentary. (You can read on for yourself if you want to find out just how crass he is in the workplace.)

Source: "The Good Billionaires" -Current Affairs

"Warren Buffett Defends Clayton Homes" -Wall Street Journal (owned by Murdoch (scroll way down))

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