Dear The Cult

Dear The Cult,

I gave you a link to my iBook when you performed at the Mahaffey Theater April 2016. It is called The Raydiant Labyrinth, which you are cited in multiple times as an artist. I don’t know if you were apprised of the book or not, let alone whether it was read, but at this point it’s been read by more than one songwriter recipient by the looks of things. The iBook attempts to delineate how a connective consciousness developed in terms of universal inspiration through song lyrics over a period of twenty years, 1987-2007, and prove it exists through the evolution of a conscious object over time. (I apologize for it being a first draft of a linear biography, which means the premise isn’t even introduced until Chapter 9.) A lot has happened since that delivery, so when you added the date in St. Petersburg to start this tour, I was very happy it would give me the chance to try and give you an update. 

I’ve been writing to a few artists as of late, and it appears to have borne some fruit, if a little surreptitiously. The second delivery after yours was to Nick Cave. I delivered a flash drive with the iBook to Jack White (April 2019), Martin Gore (December 2020) and used U2’s active official text line to send the complete first draft of the iBook (October 2021, -this was after dropping a half draft of the book on Bono in Chicago 2011, which appeared to get an artistic response). I also tried to send an online link with a letter to Chris Martin (September 2021). 

The update on the reboot started with Nick Cave on the Red Hand Files October 2019, because his album, GHOSTEEN, worked like a resurrection for me personally, in that it launched me back “awake”. There was nothing I could do to evade what happened hearing that album. I reacted initially by responding to Nick on Red Hand Files, using the question field to ask him why there was so much correspondence between his album and my pre-published book? After that I tried to launch an observational analysis (of what I’ve been subject to observing my entire adult life) in a public field.

This is is my way of presenting to you that what I describe happening in the book in the past is really happening, with all of you, because it is happening again in real time in the present. There is an existing musical feedback loop of that develops in terms of universal expression via a pre-existing feedback loop via the universal unconscious. My way of attempting to show this is happening was to articulate the interior narrative of a major transformative event ahead of time, archive the whole event to time date it, and see how well it matched subsequent musical releases of the artists I assert are already involved

The real awakening happened in June 2020, because it took two people happening not one, GHOSTEEN triggered the event, it was not the event itself. That summer I “told” Nick, “I never dealt with the fourth”, I am going to have to write to the fourth. Meaning that in 1999/2000 I contacted Nick Cave, Bono, and Billy Corgan with hand-to-hand letters (Billy almost, he got one as closure in 2005). I never reached out to Martin Gore, and given what happened summer 2020 happened “with” him (even though we’ve never met), now was the time. (Martin’s letter was over 160 pages long.) It obliged me to explain everything up to the present from the point where the book ended, 2007. This was methodical in the sense that I was addressing those who seemed to me to be most inspirationally involved in order to find out what was going on.

The same day I mailed the letter to Martin, I archived it online because I knew that the subsequent inspirational music feedback loop was going to start with Nick Cave’s penning of L.I.T.A.N.I.E.S., and I posted the letter online to Nick Cave for this reason, meaning it was possible to successfully intercept the feedback loop in real time with him and this pending album, -and fair enough too, as this had happened between both of them. The speed was forced by the fact that the mailing had to beat the release. David Gahan’s cover album can be analyzed from end to end in terms of what was in Martin Gore’s letter, including this part. (I can’t do so with a private letter.)

In the attempt to intercept the feedback loop with Nick Cave (and Martin himself), the letter to Martin was an attempt of the same experiment I demonstrated with Billy Corgan in 2000 by taking over Smashing Pumpkins online official forum to prove what was happening by using the time dated public field, which is recorded in the iBook. (Billy/WPC is still songwriting about it.) Because I delivered the conclusion to this proposal personally to Chicago, (although it was launched in a public field), it was only proven to Billy personally. Martin’s letter was the same attempt with two parties, and by extension U2/Chris Martin (and any recipient of these letters).  

In February 2021 Nick Cave released CARNAGE, which was like doubling the potential impact of the feedback loop interception I'd attempted, in the sense that either Nick had been in the self-same inspirational mindset, and didn’t leave that tact with disclosure, but doubly reinforced it by reiteration where it appeared he had intentionally worked off what was revealed the letter itself, or maybe a combination of the two. (Or maybe it all happened inspirationally with him still not knowing anything, if he didn't read anything. Impossible to discern, but the impact of this happening, given it announces the "Hand of God" is still about as big.) That it could well have been intentional was signified by the fact that Nick Cave announced the tangibles for CARNAGE (vinyl/CD) would come out three months later on my birthday (probable supply chain issues delayed it to June, and yes, my birthday was in Nick’s opening letter because Billy/WPC etc.). 

After that I set about trying to edit down and translate the letter into a public format as a real time experiment with the musical inspirational feedback loop, which I eventually did here (long form same proposal). Here is the complete list of entries (in order of release) attempting to demonstrate my proposal is really happening (so far):

Tears for Fears, “The Tipping Point”, video

Coldplay, Music of the Spheres, album

Jack White, “Taking Me Back”, first single release 

U2, “Your Song Saved My Life”, Sing 2 Soundtrack

Johnny Marr, Fever Dreams Part 1-2, EP

Damon Albarn, The Nearer the Fountain, More Pure the Stream Flows, album

Sting, “Rushing Water”, first single release

Johnny Marr, Fever Dreams Part 3-4, EP

Jack White, “Love is Selfish” video, David Gahan, “Dark End of the Street” video

Eddie Vedder, “Rose of Jericho” and U2, “A Celebration”

Tears for Fears “End of Night” update

Jack White, “Queen of the Bees”

Arcade Fire, “Lightning I, II”

Red Hot Chili Peppers, Unlimited Love

Thom Yorke, “5.17” & The Smile

Jack White, Fear of the Dawn

Basically an invisible exercise, but I have attempted to broaden its reach with every recipient, which possibly includes U2 thanks to the text line. “Eden (To Find Love)” was produced after I began messaging, and prompted me to send the public experiment and finished draft iBook. (Actually I sent Martin's letter too.) Since contact began Bono has stealth bombed my first name using Biblical referencing twice, and immediately after I sent the iBook/experiment, dropped “Your Song Saved My Life” on the 29th anniversary of when I first saw U2 in concert, which is the third date drop U2’s used that references significant dates in terms actual encounters with Bono in the iBook (which he got in 2011). After I sent a letter to the U2 text line saying I knew that “Eden” was designed to stealth bomb my real name using a combination with a very obscure bible verse, “A Celebration” was announced for a 40 year rerelease, -the only song in U2’s cannon with a Bible reference to the story where my name famously appears. It’s important to me where Bono stands on this because for me the whole thing started at a U2 concert in 1992, which is why it names a chapter.

We’re sort of going through who on the proposal list I’ve actually met (contacted with letters) and appear to have influenced. There are also strange happenings with those I never did, with special respects to David Bowie

So, why contact you? What’s the value of establishing this precedent, proving that the connectivity is real and valuable? It shows the existence of a transcendent, connective consciousness potential within humankind that exists out of love. It indicates our potential existence beyond our material selves. It comes about as close as we can get to proof there’s a God. Unless it prompts contact that is real, none of this verifiably exists outside ourselves. I believe in conversation and contact if it matters. There is no point to an interminable secretive game. (Why pretend at interaction if all you’re doing is hiding it?)

I’ve tried gradually with everyone. WPC’s and Bono’s reactions did not qualify in the sense that they are of no help personally, meaning anyone can denigrate me as crazy under the current circumstance. The same goes for David Gahan’s subsequent album, and Nick Cave announcing an album on my birthday. (This is coincidental. There’s no way to signify a difference between that happening and Nick Cave announcing the album would come out on my birthday in terms of intention, without the intention being stated by the artist himself. -Would I like to meet Chris over this statement of a song to affirm it? -Yes. (I’m the only individual on the planet with this requisite potential where Chris is concerned.) -Do I have a hope in hell of doing so? -No. This is the realm of miracles. -Why not start one?) 

The artistic signals, (if they are signals, and therein lies the rub), don’t prove that this is happening, which means I can’t publish. (An agent said I would have to have letters from both WPC and Bono crediting that they wrote the songs I’ve referenced about me/my book post encounter. Both have spent arguably decades where this didn’t matter enough to provide, no matter the request.) The lack of proof in from the “other side” means I can’t even explain my life to my family, including my children. It wouldn’t be believable, and if it isn’t, there’s no point in telling them. It has created interest, but no committed interest. I don’t know where you’d stand in terms of interest but the only way to resolve and find that out is to try, which is why you are getting this letter. I hope if you do react it’s not just artistically, because I’ve already had that multiple times. It doesn’t help me, it makes me completely alone in the world for life with a huge realm in my mind that almost qualifies as another dimension I can never communicate, which isn’t fair to me. 

This is your letter, that’s it. Bon Voyage. It’s been a wonderful trip and I thank you inestimably for your presence in it, which is searchable in the iBook, as you are in it. 

Blessings and Best Regards,


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